
next year, man

status check - fuzzy
background ambiance - same sounds, different day

head = fuzzy. i woke up (late) this morning, thoroughly discombobulated because i could have sworn i'd heard my mother call my name. well, turns out i wasn't totally crazy. she actually was outside my bedroom window with my father, both laughing at the confused look on my face. on their way home from a minibreak in upstate new york, they decided to swing by burlington and take me out to an early lunch. and wake me up. a nice surprise, albeit a random one.

so i started out the day confused and it's continued throughout this early afternoon. i'm just plugging away, doing what i can and preparing to go to the theater tonight (hurrah!).

turns out pete didn't come out on top in "best acoustic" at the sdmas - i was 1-for-5 in terms of vix picks. whoops. but i'm pleased to have gotten that one right - mraz won "artist of the year" for the third straight year. and that's pretty badass, so i've got to say congratulations for that! and i'm happy for tristan's nod, even if i'd hoped pete would have gotten it.

it doesn't feel like wednesday. i have no idea of what day it feels like, but definitely not wednesday. maybe next thursday or something. i've given up trying to argue with the calendar and am instead thinking those fuzzy-head thoughts that make for amusing reflection later on. for example, i'm thinking about how i'd like to try to learn a new language. maybe it's time i worked on learning at least passingly fair french or spanish. i want to read 'war and peace' so i can joke about it with knowledge. i want to start really running again as soon as the stuffiness subsides. i really want to learn how to play my damn guitar already.

??? i have no clue, either.


Anonymous said...

you should really consider the desire to read 'war and peace' again.


Victoria said...

have you actually read it? is this another thing that will astound me about you?

Anonymous said...

Yes. I read it senior year in high school for my History of the Non-Western World class. Unfortunatly, I put it off, so I ended up having to read the book during the span of one week (it was a vacation). Let's just say I was reading multiple hundred pages a day...and then I had to write a 12 page paper on it. I finished it all. I learned a very important life lesson 'War and Peace' is a book you cannot procrastinate with if you have a deadline.