
damn music

status check - annoyed, but not really
background ambiance - ben lee - dirty mind

i love/hate that everything could be delightfully lined up, would make more sense for me travel-wise, but still makes me feel stupid, in my own music-loving way.

it all pertains to that first potentially-extended boston weekend in october. i know i'll be in town saturday. i know i'll be in town tuesday. should i just stay in town sunday and monday night? i'd be able to write a crazy number of reviews for my new space (more info on it once it actually has some content). perhaps i could even pitch it to work.

but i'd be able to see tides saturday night, tristan/averi/gavin sunday night, rilo kiley tuesday night. and would be eliminating the need to drive back to vermont sunday, work monday and come back for rilo kiley tuesday. and still only have one actually vacation day taken off for it all.

i'd really like to see tristan live again. i could definitely do without gavin, but whatever. and averi?

well, i wouldn't be going to see averi. for once. they'll just happen to be there too.

***UPDATE: ah, screw it. i requested monday off. boston types - who wants to spend time with me during a long weekend? and who's in for a show at the roxy sunday night? tickets should be purchased shortly ... ***


Anonymous said...

AHHHHH!!! You are now going back on previous comment that they must play burlington for you to attend. =) still up for lunch?

Victoria said...

i know - BUT I WOULDN'T BE CONSIDERING IT IF TRISTAN WASN'T PLAYING!!! it's not that i want to see averi! i don't! how about this: IF i wind up going, i simply won't smile during averi's set.

eh, eh? haha.

yep, lunch sounds lovely ... call me!

Victoria said...

speaking of that weekend, would e.m. or c.d. be interested in coming down for part of it and enjoying museum of science "lotr" goodness? and, perhaps, a show saturday night? hmm????

Anonymous said...

i will refrain from the comment i was going to make about saturday. just imagine it if you will...hahaha

maybe i will have to check out my life but i am sure it is clear.

Victoria said...

