
ok, to those who have been wondering when the prime cherry blossom time will be (so you can come visit me like you know you'd love to do), have i got the answers for you! according to the authorities in this particular area of study, peak cherry blossom time will be april 8 - 14.

it's funny, i'm suddenly realizing that i'm going from the land of autumn foliage to the land of cherry blossom beauty. different seasons, but same urgency for the peak time! it tickles me.

talking with beth tonight reminded me of my dream last night, which i feel a need to post, as it tickled me as well ... all i remember is that i was playing roxie in "chicago" -- i bore as close a resemblence to renee zellweger as i really can -- wearing the short silver beaded costume and singing and all that. and i remember being so delighted that i had the adorably cute short blonde bob wave hair thing going on and knew that, since i'd have the role for awhile, i'd get to keep my hair looking that cute.

and i wonder why "all that jazz" was in my head all day ... hmm ...

alright, early workday tomorrow means bed for me tonight! lots of love to my dear little readers ...

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