
i am home, having had a whirl-wind weekend adventure that took me...well...from albany to vermont, back to albany, back to vermont, around the southern vermont area visiting with friends and catching up and otherwise enjoying myself, then back to albany before coming back home.

yes, there appears, as far as my travelogue indicates, to be much love between myself and albany, eh? well, not necessarily so much, but it's all good.

my second-ever tori amos concert was absolutely, no-doubt-about-it, i'm-sitting-here-while-the-faerie-like-essence-of-tori-accompanied-by-the-beauty-of-a-real-glamourous-theatre-house fantastic. talk about a sensory experience -- granted i was tired and all from last week, but i just let the whole experience wash over me in warm waves of audio and visual bliss. *sigh*

it was beautiful and nice and warm (well, above freezing) in vermont this weekend and today was a glorious day in dc. walking up wisconsin for my grocery shopping, i enjoyed hearing music filter out onto the street from open car windows and various businesses, joggers braving the city streets and the puddles of almost-melted snow, everyone walking around with coats slightly unbuttoned, sunglasses on smiling faces -- what a wonderful welcome back.

that said, i am exhausted -- still trying to catch up from last week as well as trying to catch up from this weekend ... i am thrilled at the prospects of being in bed by 10:30 or 11 ... bliss!

leave some love, though!

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