
quick summary of the weekend:

saw "serendipity" sunday. twice, actually. michelle and i went to see a matinee here, then when i went home, i took my parents to see it (mom really wanted to see it with me, and i didn't have the heart to tell her i'd already seen it--plus it was sweet that she saw the movie trailer on tv, thought of me, and wanted to see it with me). love it. something about a sappy romantic movie (especially since it stars john cusack) that makes me happy. i was also thrilled that "83" made it into the movie and the soundtrack, which my mother bought for me today. so what if we only met john twice and spoke to him for an hour and a half tops. it's thrilling to see someone i've thought of as a great little secret for almost a year becoming bigger. i feel like, in my own dopey little way, i was involved in the process. or something, whatever.

spending time at home was good. my parents are having a much harder time having both tom and myself out of the house than they let on. i was only going to be home for the night, but i stuck around to spend time with my mom today. it made her happy, and seeing it make her happy made me happy.

my house is so different...they cleaned out a lot of things and moved stuff around and bought new things...walking into each room and seeing it changed threw me for a loop. it looks good, obviously, but at the same point, in my own self-centered perception of things, nothing is supposed to look different. every time i come home it should all look just like how i left it. it made me sad, admittedly. but at the same time, happy that they're doing OK without us...but also rather sad. it feels like they're settling in for getting visits from us from time to time...in a sort of circle, i feel like my mom now, stopping in to visit my grandmother for a weekend, then heading back to my own life. it feels too early to be feeling this way, a sentiment i think my parents both feel as well. but then again, part of the process of growing up. adjustment.

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