
Where men are from

If my memory serves me correctly, Mars should be visible about this time of year. Which means I wasn't crazy for being startled at the sight of an incredibly bright, amber pinpoint of light in the sky as I stared up.

Or there's another satellite spying on me. Whatever works.

I decided to borrow and adapt the iPod meme I've seen on several other spaces as of late and see what my song selection has to say to me. Since I am iPod-less, I'm going with my collection of songs on my computer's Media Player - shuffled of course. Let's see what they have to say in response to my inquiries...

1. What do you think of me, Music Player?
The Honorary Title, Dilute
(Distance dilutes and rewrites and rewrites. Hmm. You might be onto something here, MP. That's kind of my cynical credo, isn't it?)

2. Will I have a happy life?
Megan Slankard, Lose Me
(I would certainly consider my pen leaking poetry to be a good thing...although the defective and insomniatic nature of the lyrics make me feel a little too close an inferred kinship to Ms. Plath...)

3. What do my friends really think of me?
Ben Folds, Still Fighting It
(Great. I've grown bitter as I've grown older. Thanks, friends. Love you too.)

4. What does my (V. edit - imaginary) S.O. think of me?
Amos Lee, Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight
(I'm in love with the world. I'm liking this...not to mention the easy, natural flow of the music. This is how love should sound. Warm, smooth, but saucy...)

5. Do people secretly lust after me?
Heather Nova, We Can Work It Out
(Um...life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting over me, my friends.)

6. How can I make myself happy?
Averi, Flutter (live)
(HAHAHA. I need to walk across Storrow to the water and watch Cambridge wipe the sleep from its eyes. This implies living in Boston...Also applicable: I can make myself happy by remembering the words to the things that I write. Or: I need not call phone numbers that I possess.)

7. What should I do with my life?
Tristan Prettyman, Anything At All
(Always be true to myself seems to be the easiest theme to draw from this...although the process of letting go also comes to mind.)

8. Why must life be so full of pain?
Matt Nathanson, What You Need

9. How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
John Butler Trio, Treat Yo Mama
(It's all in the attitude, baby. Or: do what you can to better mankind and you'll be rewarded? Um...)

10. Can you give me some advice?
Averi, For Better or Worse
(I officially dislike this meme. Heh. OK, here goes. Don't dwell on the past. Remember the difference a few years can make.)

11. What do you think happiness is?
Jason Mraz, Land Down Under
(I knew I needed to go to Australia one of these days.)

12. Do you have any advice to give over the next few hours/days?
Ben Taylor Band, A Good Day to Be Alive
(This must mean the Sox are going to the postseason after this weekend! Thanks, Music Player!)

13. Will I die happy?
Ryan Montbleau Band feat. Julian Velard, Use Me
(Awwwwwww yeah. Well I'm gonna spread the news, that if it feels this good getting used by you, oh you just keep on usin' me until you use me up. And I die. Happy.)

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