
ok, my apologies -- i'm not going to be able to catch up with everyone tonight after all -- body is crashing hardcore!!! the past two days have been, as i've said, nuts and i know part of my exhaustion tonight is due to the fact that i know tomorrow will be so nuts...i'm going to do my best to be in touch with people tomorrow. my apologies...

couple of quick notes -- today i received (courtesy of the fabulous richard young of msm fame) marc broussard's "momentary setback." i took a quick listen and think it's a pretty sweet album, and i am already head over heels in love with the song "french cafe." loveitloveitloveit. he's on tour during the upcoming months, opening for maroon5, then o.a.r. good times...

i found a restaurant concept that intrigues me and think i plan to give the vegetable garden a shot within the coming weeks.

i treated myself to wrapworks tonight. happiness. mmmm...

and tomorrow will be a long day, but a good one (no beth, i am not a republican).

oh, and i was able to demonstrate today just why i am the queen of the GMC (paul: kevin called me the parker posey of the office. i squealed.)

that is all. :)

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