
keep in mind that while i work in an office that is largely based in my homestate, i'm still hundreds of miles away from the area in which i grew up. so when you have one of those random "hey! we know the same people!" situations, it's alawys amusing and more than a little heartwarming.

when you have instance after instance -- all in the same day -- it's downright bizarre.

today, i met the husband of my favorite teacher in high school -- my wonderful, fabulous german teacher. i had heard so much about him during high school that i felt as if i knew him. so i wrote frau a note on one of my business cards, which he promised to give to her. we also spoke about todd r., whom he coached on the golf team in high school and i, obviously, knew through my sports journalism at smc...

and then a group that came by shortly thereafter included a rutland resident who knows and regularly sees the family of a girl i played on various sports teams with in high school. so then we played the name game some more. it was kind of unnerving at first, but then very cool -- especially since it'll be neat to think of people getting a random vickie update when their various well-wishes are delivered to them...i can just imagine the reactions of "what is she doing THERE?!?!"

yesterday was insane here. today's been insane here. and tomorrow? oh yeah -- it's going to be off the wall.

but things are going well, so i can't complain. but it also means i can't really blog a lot or write email while i'm here, so i'll do my best to catch up with everyone tonight, either via phone or electronically. but know i'm sending smiles.

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