
it is amazing that i technically had two extra days off this week, yet i still sit here this morning thinking, "thank god it's friday!" but it's a good, relaxed feeling, as i anticipate a pleasant day in the office and a good start to my weekend...

the week has been hectic, but good. i still feel as if i'm in a bit of a bohemian mindset, as i really should unpack my backpack and organize my room, which is currently in a state of disarray, as i haven't had time to be able to organize or anything remotely along those lines. ok, i admit, it's not as if i'm ever truly organized (while i'm making progress, i still definitely have the mentality that "it's not that i'm disorganized--i just have a creative approach at organization as a general practice."), but with the decoration process i've been working on as well as the bag o' stuff i brought back from vermont combined with the books i'm needing to organize and put away and all of that jazz, it's a bit of disarray that doesn't settle well with me at the moment. i've discovered how nice it is to come home to a tranquil living space and not feel the clutter of the day and whatnot weighing on my shoulders--i can drop my work bag by the door and just exist for awhile--no worries about calls regarding nominations, flag requests or tours--just vickie time that i can spend however i deem appropriate. just a much-enjoyed release--ahhhh...

but that was a tangent i didn't mean to go on...the week's gone well. being in recess is always nice for a few days, as the workday is shorter and the necessary daily tasks tend to be less in-your-face and stressful (mainly catching up on projects and whatnot), but this one has worked out particularly well because it's so brief--while it's nice to relax, recess can get rather dull. but in this one, we only had three days of it, so whoo hoo!!!

that said, i do have a cloud hanging over my head as i approach the 26th of this month...as i've been alerted that it's going to be one fuuuun day on the phones. i feel hesitant even writing about this, as i know this site has come up through some random search engines (how can we possibly forget the mass of people who stopped by while searching for "big fucking boots"?), but nonetheless, i'm going to go with it and take my chances. an organization (which i will not mention or link to, just to prevent any of those potential protesters from stopping by here) is planning a "virtual march on washington" during which they hope to have a phone call a minute coming into each senator's office voicing opposition to war in iraq. a phone call a minute for the eight hours i will be at the phone--granted that's the ideal for this group and is rather unlikely, but it still means i'm pretty much guaranteed an insane day of taking comments. oh yeah, fine holiday fun.

but it's all good. why? because it's not the 26th yet--it's only the 21st. it's friday, i've had a good week thus far and had a very enjoyable evening last night--we held a "we miss rob!!!" happy hour at buffalo billiards after the office closed down at 5 which provided fun times, good drink and good conversation, after which i returned home, in my half-buzzing state decided i was completely capable of working out on the cross-trainer for a bit, which resulted in amusing vickie antics and, after about fifteen minutes, the realization that excercising wasn't happening. so then i was able to catch up on phone calls and otherwise relax, enjoying sprawling out in my room and chatting and laughing. good times!

alright, more later. must be diligent (or at least appear to be!)

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