
yesterday turned into the "v rebellion day," although i did not intend for it to be quite as complete as it was. i woke up around 1 and spent almost the entire day at home with a body that felt like lead and no desire to do much of anything. i called all of my professors and left voicemails, and they called back to tell me i sounded horrible and should rest. so i did.

and, even though i felt rather stupid afterwards, it felt nice to call someone simply to say hello and say that i was alone in my house, sick, bored, and wanting to talk. :)

i'm currently racing through "on the road." i don't know why i didn't read it sooner--it's absolutely brilliant. there was one passage where sal and dean are rushing from virginia to new york to virginia again and everything's going at a fever pitch. while i was reading it, i was trying to race through the text, make some ramen (hey, it was 12:30 at night and i was hungry) and do 12 things at once while reading, and the pace i was doing everything at fit so well with the pace of the book at that point--it was just awesome. kerouac's style is what i aspire to and think i can reach if i keep trying, but then he throws this imagery into the mix and has such an eloquent control of words and i'm left with my jaw hanging open (quite literally). absolutely gorgeous. i'm going to read this again sometime when i can just settle down and soak it all in.

break begins for me after literary seductions tomorrow. i feel like it's already begun--we're watching film clips, it's not like it'll be a strenuous class--and all i have to do is get through the f and relax before the mini-roadtrip with michelle. this weekend we're planning the trip and we're also planning our european adventure after graduation. i'm especially excited about the idea of europe right now, with my whole kerouac-ian frame of mind...

but speaking of europe...when we get back from break, the eric boy will be off to live in scotland. today is the last day i'll be working with him here at fair user support...i'm obviously very happy for him about scotland, but he's made work all the more enjoyable lately--we're getting along famously and he's fun to have in the office. work will be much duller without him around. but i think everyone knew he'd go back to scotland at some point--i first met him after he came back from studying over there and you can just see him brighten up at the prospect of living there. it's going to be good for him.