
i am so impressed...joey created a blog! i am exceptionally impressed. :) now people will be able to see what crackheads we actually are...

to thank the sports department for everything we've done since patrick has been off galavanting at the olympics (still bitter i wasn't given the opportunity to go--hehehe), the managing editor of my fine place of non-paying employment paid for us all to get dinner tonight, so we ordered from bourbon st. grill. i'd always wanted to try the stuff there, so i was psyched. i ordered my cajun chicken sandwich and crawford asked me how spicy i wanted it.

"how spicy does it get?"

"1 to 10. 1 is tame, 10 is eyes bulge out of the sockets tongue is on fire."

now i like spicy stuff. and i figured that there's no way it can really be ridiculously spicy, so i went with a 7. i thought it would be safe but still spicy enough to give me a kick.

i took a bite and a half of this thing and pretty much downed my pepsi. then went to fill my bottle with water. tongue is still on fire and my face feels all flushed.

i think a 4 would have been more than enough for me, let alone a 7. so now i'm eating the roll and the lettuce (but only the spots without any spicy sauce on it). if i actually had any taste buds left, i'd be sure that the sandwich is quite good and i highly recommend it.

work has been going remarkably well the past couple of days (trust me, i knocked on wood after typing that). everyone's in good spirits, i feel like i'm not constantly waiting for myself to mess up and people have been really great on the phones. carlton down at the herald is great--i like it when i talk to someone again and they remember who i am and are really friendly.

met jj cioffi at the rice/cvu game today (yes, the game that just about everyone agrees rice should have won, joey, including the cvu players) and he seemed pretty nice. it's always rather odd meeting these people--i've watched jj since i was a little kid and feel like i know the guy even thought i obviously don't--but he was nice enough to me, so i guess it was cool. and i got to take a look at the gutterson fieldhouse rink from one of the press boxes, which was cool--hey, little things make me happy, so shut up. ;)

i technically have four more hours of work before i'm finished (but we've already heard from most of the high school games and i think all we'll be waiting on is hockey--which crawford's covering--and the mayflower semis down south, so maybe--hopefully--i'll get out early) and then it's relax until john mayer on monday. i spoke to my father while my mouth was on fire and he told me he and my mother were going to visit on monday around 7 p.m. and take me out to dinner. since, as i said, my mouth was on fire, i responded with "ok, sounds great, looking forward to it." my parents then laughed about how their daughter is a moron. i responded with "dude, my mouth is on fire--do you think i have any coherent thoughts right now?!?!?"

you can always judge how much work i have to do by the amount of blogging i do...

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