
Of course, it's the moment I decide to change things around here that I get pulled away to everything other than focusing on, you know, changing things here.


In "Elizabethtown," Kirsten Dunst's character urges Orlando Bloom's character to, more or less, dance like nobody's watching. "I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free" is the exact line. And while watching Orlando dancing away within a tree-lined tunnel was a striking moment, I didn't heed the wisdom of the lines until today.

I found myself in a deserted stairwell, the Ryan Montbleau Band's "Quickie" working its smooth way into my ears. No one around to hear my footsteps. And before I knew it, my little head-bobbing and silent singing had morphed into full-out dance. Swinging around the railing kind of dance. Fun and goofy and
a little saucy because I could be. All by myself in a stairwell, just doing it for the sake of doing it.

And I felt better than I had all day long. The grin on my face was bright as I returned to the daily grind, which suddenly had felt a little less...grinding.

I suppose that's my way of recommending that one heeds the words of Cameron Crowe. The dude knows what he's talking about.

In other news. My notebook will get a workout during the coming days, as I attempt to let the various adventures (misadventures too - fear not) from the last several days spill out from my head onto a page. The driving, the people, the moments - they deserve to be told properly, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.

But I can tell you that it's been fun. Tiring, taxing - so tiring that I actually went through Sunday with a fatigue hangover (that is, symptoms of a hangover when not a drop of alcohol was involved). But fun...

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