
well, ok, i'm almost bound for bed. but i can't pass up these damn survey things. they're like my reality tv addiction.

1. what's your favorite cheese? con queso. hehehe. ;-)

2. how long do you hold onto odd socks before giving up on finding their mate? it ultimately comes down to a basic reality - the second i get rid of the mateless sock, the mate shows up. so i hold onto them for awhile - i always wind up with a little collection of them. kind of like the island of misfit toys from the claymation rudolph tv show, if you know what i'm referencing.

3. who was your favorite musical artist when you were 15? hmm ... i can't remember ... that would have been sophomore year of high school? at that point, i believe i was in my country phase - might have been tim mcgraw or garth brooks. but at that point i was listening to all sorts of random stuff, so you can also throw weezer into the mix.

4. what shape are your fingernails in right now? ah, i wish i'd been asked before the return flight. not the greatest, i must admit.

5. two scoops: of what? how appropriate, as i initiated operation i this evening, rounding up my family and taking us to seward's - hey, it was for medicinal purposes. so as of tonight, it was strawberry frozen yogurt in frappe form.

6. what's your earliest memory? i'm not sure which came first, but my two earliest memories are the hospital room where my mother stayed after giving birth to my brother (green walls and a white streamlined phone that i was fascinated with) and lying on the rust-colored carpet in the living room of our house in middleton (massachusetts) - both of which date back to the age of two and a half.

7. when does your pet look funniest? when it's imaginary. as it is now.

8. what do you collect? memories and anecdotes, photographs, concert posters. at times, shot glasses.

9. what's better than sex? how many people do you think answer this with "chocolate"? i bet zillions do ...

10. what things are you brand-loyal to? chicken fajita burritos, man. ;-)

11. favorite dr. seuss book? while i connect with "oh the places you'll go!", i had an experience in junior high involving "the zorax" that rendered it my favorite - and i think it always will be. although i must say i've always been more of a shel silverstein girl.

12. best meal you've had lately? hmm ... i've had quite a few, courtesy of vegas ... probably dinner at either bally's or the golden nugget. buffets with endless quantities of tasty options.

13. peanut butter and ________? it was always preferrably pb and fluff. or, more appropriately, it was fluff with a hint of peanut butter. but i haven't had a pb & ___ sandwich in eons.

14. who's your favorite poet? sylvia plath.

15. where are you going on vacation this year? did i mention that i was having a lovely time in las vegas at this point a week ago? and that i'm currently vacationing (sort of) in vermont at this moment in time?

16. if you could change careers tomorrow with no strings attached, what would you be? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. make me lois lane.

17. whaddya drive? when in vt, trusty red (my green saturn sl1). when in dc, an imaginary flinstones car.

18. what's your poison? arsenic. if that's not available, vodka or midori.

19. the color of the carpet or the kind of floor in the room you are sitting in right now. wood floors painted a slate blue.

20. what's on your walls? which walls? the walls of the room i'm in right now? endless punk rock posters (i'm in my brother's room). in my vt room? not much of anything at the moment. in my dc room? various pieces of framed artwork (including some french posters and a van gogh), photographs and theatre mementos. as well as particularly meaningful cards and whatnot. basically, my memories are on my walls there.

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