
friday the thirteenth has always been a lucky day for me, and this particular friday the thirteenth finds me in a particularly unique situation. it's my last day of formal work for a bit. i'm sending out an email to everyone at some point today to let them know and all, but i'm not exactly sure of at what point during the day i'm going to send out said email. i am also taking a tour of the white house today, as it is congressional tour coordinator appreciation day at el presidente's place - so i'm dressed to the nines and feeling uber-professional as i sit here and type. i'm looking forward to the weekend, as there are plans to hit up adams morgan this evening and potentially tomorrow evening as well. i had an enjoyable last-front-page-happy-hour-for-a-bit last night with chloe and serena - fortunately, as i was ready to go crazy after my day at work yesterday. oy.

so much to do today at work, then so much to do before tuesday - it still hasn't hit me. i suppose i should work on that, eh?

but for now, the friday five ...

1. what's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
while i've wanted to go to london for the past few years, for as long as i can remember, i've wanted to travel to l.a. i want to be able to stand in the southern california sunshine and gaze over palm trees and imagine hollywood as it was in the 50s. and i want to see the pacific ocean and know that i have traveled as far west as i possibly can - that the only thing ahead of me is water.

2. when someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest?
ok, i'll admit it, no. i won't blatantly lie about it and say i love it if i hate it, but i'll definitely soften my criticism because i don't want to hurt the person's feelings. but with some people, i'll be blatantly honest.

3. have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? what happened?
of course - who hasn't? there have been tons of examples of this - the most common is finding out that a friend said something about me behind my back or whatnot. i think the worst is when i've discovered that a friend said he or she thought something about me or thought i was capable of something that indicated that the person really doesn't have an understanding of who i am or what i'm about at all - that's always really hurtful.

4. if you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?
hmm ... this is a good question. i think ... rivendell from lord of the rings. i recall being amazed by the beauty described in the book and then the depiction of it in the movies blew me away.

5. what's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?
THE ABILITY TO WRITE DIALOGUE!!!! but i'm working on it. ;-)

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