
time for a few surveys ...

first, the friday five from this past weekend.

1. how are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
well, working, enjoying myself and, for right now, focusing on getting healthy, spending time with friends and figuring out what i'm going to do next.

2. what was your first summer job?
summer of '96. a naive 15-year-old enters the realm of ronald mcdonald and the twisted world that turns beneath the golden arches.

3. if you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
hmm ... i'm pretty content where i'm at right now.

4. what was your worst vacation ever?
i don't think i've had any really BAD vacations, to be honest ... the worst short leisure activity was third grade, when my class went on a whale watch and we were caught in a huge storm and the boat almost capsized ...

5. what was your best vacation ever?
i was in seventh grade when the fam went to florida. disney world, an orlando magic game and a trip to kennedy space center. it was awesome.

and now, stolen from my brother ...

1.) what was your fav 80's cartoon?
it was all about the smurfs. and while i have no recollection of actually watching the cartoon, i used to LOVE rainbow brite - i dressed up as her one year and had all of the dolls and books and whatnot. so i'm going to assume that i loved that as well. in the later 80s, one must give props to jem as well!

2) what did you dress up as the last time you went trick or treating?
the last time i went trick or treating, i was dressed as a little kid, pjs, pigtails, pacifier, etc. that was freshman year of college. the last time i dressed up for halloween, it was a two-night affair - one night i was little red riding hood, the second night i was a flower child.

3)if you could be an inatimate object, what would you be?
this opens up so many possibilities ... i think i'd go with a guitar.

4) when did you realize that you didn't believe in god?
i don't know what i believe when it comes to religion, so i can't say i don't necessarily believe in god or a god-like being ... but i can't say i do, either. let's just say i've decided that there are other things, tangible things i can figure out, that i can spend more of my energy figuring out.

5) would you rather die by drowing, being hanged, being beheaded, or shot in the head? why?
wow, the feel-good question of the survey ... if i was guaranteed to die, i'd want to be shot in the head from behind - that is, being completely unaware that it was going to happen. i don't want to know that i'm dying - i'd much rather die suddenly, without fear and without wasting away.

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