
words cannot describe how tired i am this morning. i'm like a zombie, just kind of blankly staring at my computer screen. it's the classic "you're not tired the day after a long stressful day, you're tired the day after that." i fell asleep between 9:45-10 last night and slept like a rock, only to wake up when my alarm went off, with a charlie horse like you wouldn't believe. and it was lurking all morning, taunting me. "hehehe, i'll get you, my pretty! nothing like some pain to wake a girl up, eh? bwahahahaha!"

so i'm sitting here, trying to wake up and be functional (or at least look it). i'm also trying to figure out what the deal is with guster tickets--whether or not there are any available, to be precise. if not, i'm not overly upset, as my bed is looking awfully tempting right now as it is. but i'm hoping to be able to go--it's about time i went to a show, dammit! if i don't, i think i'll spend thursday either stopping by front page or making my way to the grog & tankard in georgetown to catch tar beach band's show--anyone heard them before? any good? i stumbled across their site and was rather intrigued by what i read...

oy. it's going to be a loooooong day. not to mention that they're predicting five or six inches of snow this week--and washington, i hear, does NOT respond well to snow. everything shuts down at what we new englanders would view as a light dusting...this could be interesting. ;)

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