
my search continues. i stopped by the cvs by my apartment on the way home from work yesterday to see if i could find a dr. pepper lip smacker, but alas, there was no dr. pepper goodness available. however, hope is not lost yet. on my way home from work tonight, i'll be stopping by the cvs farther up the street to see if they happen to have it (it's a larger store, so i'm optimistic). and, worst case scenario, i'll probably find it at target when i head back out to wheaton this weekend for holiday shopping. i just don't want to wait until saturday, that's all...

but whatever. the loc has been good to me today, dropping off two books for me (sylvia plath's letters home and "catch me if you can") and i have the early shift today, so i get to hit up the metro, see if i can find said lip smacker (i swear, by the time i do find it, it'll be built up in my mind to ridiculous proportions), head home and get my running in for the evening. and then relax.

ah...i'm almost there.

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