
ok, the craziness of today has kept things at a nice, brisk pace. we have the office holiday party after work this evening, so i've gotten a quick refresher course in quasi-stage management as we prepare the "not quite ready for capitol hill players" for the annual skit--this year's creation being "party animal house--the classic movie as told through the eyes of democrats (delta epsilon mu)." fun times--a chance to be wacky and play--not to mention wear a toga!

at the moment, i have a stack of flags next to me, the stack of books i've borrowed from the library of congress stacked on top of them. the various little gifts i've received over the past couple of months (some good ol' green mountain coffee, some french soaps and the cutest little suncatcher--marit is such a sweetheart) rest by the phone, a stack of scripts and clips are to my right, and i'm just focusing on the computer and phone in front of me, occasionally reaching for my bottle of water. ignoring the basket of candy at the front of my desk, since i know of the goodness that awaits me down in the judiciary hearing room...

while it's been hectic, while i've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, while i'm ready to jump off a bridge, i just tell myself that i have about an hour and a half until good food, alcohol and a performance. which all makes it A-OK.

books i've acquired for my vacation time (again, courtesy of the lovely people at the library of congress):
- letters home by sylvia plath (still reading it--took a brief "chamber of secrets" pause)
- the diary of virginia woolf, volumes one and two (sylvia mentioned it so much that i thought i had to give it a shot)
- harry potter and the goblet of fire (i know this is skipping a book, but i can't get the third book yet and getting this one is a rarity within the library--so i don't know if i'm going to read out of order or not--but i think i will).

and i have a couple of other requests in place, which i'm hoping come through for me--ah...books. how i love them and am enjoying my reunion with them.

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