
ok, forget discussions of how much i <3 the library of fucking congress. i abhor the library of congress.

after a long, frustrating morning, i trapse over to the loc during my lunch break, figuring i can pick up my books, head back to the building and have twenty minutes to down my salad (it's not like i'm trying to eat a five-course meal here, afterall) before heading back to work.

i pick up my books and check to make sure i don't have to do anything else before heading to the door. security stops me and says i need to get the books charged.

now i've been patient. i've been understanding. at this point, i'm pissed off.

"where do i go to charge out the books?"

down the hall to this random door. fine. i go through said door and get a look from the woman there that says, "what the hell are you doing here?" i ask to charge the books. she sends me through another door to another woman who obviously doesn't want me there. she asks what i want. i ask to charge the books. she starts to but stops, saying i don't have an account. she sends me through another door and down a hallway to a guy so i can set up an account. he doesn't want me there. i'm doing everything in my power to not scream. i get my damn account, charge my damn books, and get back to work (without eating) just in the nick of time.

AND when i get to the elevator, the damn "senators only" light is on, so i have to walk up the four flights of stairs so senators can get on on floor two and get off on floor three.


yes, ladies and gentlemen, yesterday is continuing into today. but i will conquer these days, despite the bullshit and the fact that i'm not feeling the fact that i'm still freezing and now extremely hungry...NEAH!

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