
it didn't tape. :( and hayden didn't win.

LotR was fantastic. following the production process (well, as much as possible, obviously) and seeing what i'd read about live in front of me on the screen was a fascinating experience. kudos to those associated with the production. i've only read the first book (chuck, having discussed this with me before christmas break, put a fabulous paperback edition of all three books combined into my christmas stocking--therefore earning a gold star for the next three years), but seeing how my imagination compared to peter jackson's imagination was thrilling--both when they lined up (my image of gollum, for instance, and some of the locations) and when they varied drastically (sean bean brought a whole new dynamic to boromir i never read into--his character had redeeming qualities and dignity, which i didn't see on the page).

and beth laughed heartily while i enjoyed my second big-screen viewing of the star wars trailer. as well as during one of the questions they always show before the previews start: "which is your favorite star wars movie?" my answer: "the one with hayden christensen in it..." (for the record, i did thoroughly enjoy "return of the jedi").

i returned home, read about 65 pages of henry james (not much of a fan, not going to lie about it), created the sign up sheet for defender story meetings, and now am preparing for bed, as i have to be in sue's class at 8-fricking-15 tomorrow morning to give my 5-minute talk about writing for the paper. oh, how i joyously await that experience...

i've decided, since no official soundtrack is being released for it, i am going to make my own copy of the "life as a house" soundtrack. there is a score available, but fuck that. look at this track listing...
- guster, "what you wish for"
- gob, "that's the way"
- on, "soluble words"
- default, "live a lie"
- marilyn manson, "sweet dreams"
- default, "somewhere"
- ohgr, "water"
- limp bizkit, "rearranged"
- guster, "rainy day"
- joni mitchell, "both sides now"
- deadsy, "gramercy park"
- radiohead, "how to disappear completely"

now all i need to do is see the movie...

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