
you go through college waiting to be a senior because all the hard work pays off and, while you have the impending doom of graduation and eviction from campus forever, it's supposed to be somewhat less stressful and a ton of fun, right?

whoever first said that was the case was A) on serious, serious drugs or B) was just saying that to fuck with your mind.


i'm exhausted. i still have two stories to write about for class tomorrow, and i've read them, but my mind will not function. i have written seventy million people (so it seems) about various defender things, i have to call the blasted printer tomorrow, i have to talk to paul, i have to get my shit together for kirk for friday, i have to submit add/drop slip (whoops, day late, they can deal), i have to email the editing staff (and thus find out if i need to write a story this week), and i have to try keeping my sanity.

but i know i'm not alone. best of luck to the my fellow seniors in the quest to maintain one's sanity...

but now, i can't function. i need my bed. it's calling, and i cannot fight it any longer.

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