
All of us here want to extend our deepest sympathy to all of those affected by last week's tragedy in NYC, Washington,DC and PA. In addition our admiration goes out to everyone who came together and continue to work day and night in the rescue and recovery....... Nothing I could type here can even begin to describe how gut-wrenching this event has been for our country as a whole.....and for each of us individually, and I only hope we can each find within ourselves a way to move forward

We will have a donation area set up at the merch table for our shows starting Thursday in Boston, and we encourage each and every one of you to help out in any way you can......be it financially or otherwise.
--shawn, howie's manager, from the hdtb

very cool, howie.

so yes, i'm exhausted. when the paper was put to bed, it was 5:30 a.m. this morning. yes. then i got home and caught some errors, went to bed around 7 and i went back around 9 or 9:30 to fix them. then put it to bed again, then went to the printer to drop it off.

i want to sleep so desperate--i took an hour-long nap which helped, i think. this morning i asked michelle to wake me up, which she did, and bethy checked in on me too. i remember next to nothing of the events, i felt like i was absolutely shitfaced. bethy says i was very funny in my borderline-dilusional state. billy best came into the house at some point to look for the donation jug, i'm told now, and he was worried that he'd scared me. i don't remember much of anything--from what he was saying, i guess i was in the shower or something. i thought i would have remembered seeing him at least--guess i didn't. whatever.

i'm happy about how it should come out when we get it back from the printers tomorrow. not happy about what's in it (how can you be?), but happy about how it should come out. very respectful, informative, and welldone. in my humble opinion. everyone worked hard.

this is my subtle way of saying if you have a problem with the paper tomorrow, do not tell me, because i'll rip your head off. :)

i have to relax for awhile, arcadia rehearsal at 7. i MUST stay awake i MUST stay awake...

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