
an amusing evening. "rosencrantz" in mccarthy--during which i realized how long it's been since i sat in one place for more than an hour watching something--which resulted in me wanting to fall asleep (someone beat me to it though...grr). why chris really calls me victory (hehehe), and then a few hours of roaming about campus, which i didn't expect, but was pleased to encounter. i think i made a mild jackass out of myself, but it's alright i think...whatever, i don't even really care anymore--well, i do, but what am i going to do? nothing. because i'm weak--or smart. but i think just weak.

only the second time i have experienced crowdsurfing in a house here on the lovely smc campus--fine holiday fun. but i'm exhausted (quality boone's farm mixed with lack of sleep makes for a tired me) so i think i'll just get the kirk stuff done tomorrow.

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