
found a mayer interview.

I tend to think that, after hearing Room for Squares, that just me and acoustic guitar is a little boring sometimes.

if that's boring, i'll take boring any day.

check out the interview...he talks about rufus (*sigh*), and provides the funniest, somewhat disturbing mayer quote i've ever seen or heard.

Interviewer: And Rufus is someone else you want more people to listen to?
John: Yes, but then also at the same time, I'm like…
Matt [Johnson, drummer]: Don't listen to…if you're only going to buy one record, I mean, you've gotta buy John Mayer's record, not Rufus's record.
John: If you like ejaculating into books, then I guess Rufus Wainwright is a little more [for your taste] and if you like, kind of ejaculating on yourself…
Matt: Your record.
John: Right.
Interviewer: That's going to be the big quote in like, 14 font.
John: 'I'm going to ejaculate…' 14? 72, motherfucker! (Menacing voice) 'I ejaculate into books and return them late. John Mayer.'
Interviewer: Something new to ponder.
John: That's a lyric. That's a lyric. I'm going to make that a lyric.

i'm frightened even thinking about how this will show up in the search engines and who finds my site through the key words of "ejaculation" or "motherfucker"...c'est la vie. :)

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