
i was wondering if anyone would contact the defender about it...

we received an ad from planned parenthood, ran it last week and will run it this week. i knew that people would probably have something to say about the fact that we are accepting an advertisement from an organization like that, particularly because we're at a catholic college that refuses to discuss making condoms available to students. ultimately, however, i guess i just felt that it was important. it's not like planned parenthood deals strictly with abortions, afterall. in many respects, i think st. michael's hides from these issues way more than it should--using the "we're a catholic college" bit instead of really dealing with issues that should be dealt with.

abortion is a heady topic--one that i don't necessarily have a concrete opinion of--and i know that running the ad will make and apparently has made some people uncomfortable. however, who am i to say that we refuse to run an advertisement for an organization that offers help to women in a variety of manners?

i feel like my superhero alter ego right now would be Issue Girl. dealing with all of these important decisions and whatnot...it messes with my head a bit.

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