
you must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
-ray bradbury

ah...an empty space to write my thoughts. i've always had a problem with finishing journals--i get about halfway through a notebook, and while i have another half of empty pages to fill, i buy myself a new one so i can look at the blank first page and figure out how to begin. i suppose in many respects, a new journal equates itself in my mind with a new beginning.
but nonetheless, a new space for my thoughts. the old blog was annoying me, i lost about six months of posts, i'm pretty sure, because the archive isn't working. i modified the code in the template too severely, i assume, and when i tried to set the site back to a default, the archive list was gone and the archive page would not work.
c'est la vie--farewell madder rain, hello revelry. optimism.
i'm sitting in the library on a beautiful saturday afternoon. it is reunion weekend, so as i look out the glass doors, i can see a massive white tent with purple and gold balloons dancing in the wind. the library has been hopping today, with alumni entering to find the bathrooms or asking if they can look around. i keep thinking i should tell them that they are not allowed to, they have paid their thousands of dollars for their degrees, not for the priviledge of examining the library. but that would be mean. ;)
so i'm here, wishing i could go lie in the sun, but content to have a computer with internet access and a few hours to read whatever my heart desires. i tried to find rosencrantz & guilderstern are dead, but it's hiding from me in the stacks somewhere away from the rest of stoppard's plays. so i've settled down with the play goes on--neil simon's memoirs, and the collected plays of neil simon volume iv. they'll at least keep me occupied until five.

i'm excited about next weekend...how could i not be? my brother graduates high school on the 16th, so i'll certainly see fellow '98 grads there (which will be interesting, but i'll just hang out with cortni and let whatever else happens happen), then i scurry off to michelle's before she, bethy, and i see dave matthews band at foxboro, followed by relaxing at casa boncek, then our return to paradise for an evening with john mayer and howie day. i couldn't help but grin when michelle showed me our tickets yesterday. it'll be a good weekend, much needed, that's for sure.

happy birthday wishes to elizabeth over at burntsienna, the site that first introduced me to all of that which is blogging.

*****anyone interested in old posts can view either guppies or madder rain. while i might make occasional references to specific posts from time to time, if you're interested in keeping track of them, bookmark them now.*****

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