
so a bit of time has passed since last i jotted down a line here--which has actually been rather refreshing, to be honest. not that i don't enjoy documenting my comings and goings here (obviously i do, since otherwise i...well...wouldn't...), but i've enjoyed being away from computers for a good solid week and a half. it's given me time to relax, do other things and otherwise enjoy my vacation here in new england.

but, as is the case with any extended absence from blog-dom, my return to the blogging world brings a dilemma: how on earth do i catch up my dear readers (and those who randomly wander across my site by typing disturbing things into search engines)? what follows is my best attempt (well, an attempt, anyway, as i do have some things to do before i head into rutland to go shopping--i know, materialistic am i--and visit with the two beccas):

christmas was exceptionally pleasant. being at my grandmother's house in beverly gave me such a sense of warmth and balance--things were as they were supposed to be because i was in the same place i am every year with the same people i'm with every year and feeling the same love i feel every year. that was the greatest christmas gift i could have wanted.

that said, santa was pretty damn sweet this year (bwahahaha). a varied selection of gifts were given to yours truly, some practical (the lamp i've been searching for ever since i saw it at linens 'n' things in september), some fun (a new pair of adidas sambas, which i had made a comment to my mother about months ago, saying how they still stick in my mind as the greatest pair of sneakers i ever owned). tom pulled through with some musical selections, including jeff buckley's "lost songs" and beck's "sea change," which is a bloody fantastic album. had shades of david gray going on in it--good times. my first official dvd is "say anything" (yeah, john cusack!) and i have numerous new items with which to decorate my bedroom so it doesn't quite resemble a dorm room as much. always a bonus.

nonetheless, most thoughts about christmas focus on lounging around the living room, laughing, talking and otherwise spending time together. visited various family members in the area, so that's always a good time (not to mention an ego boost). it was a very pleasant holiday.

following christmas, i headed over to quincy to spend some time with michelle, so i had a few days there chock full of holiday goodness. she thoroughly enjoyed my collage, and i was ticked pink by the calendar she made featuring the three of us (random side note: you can tell beth, michelle and i share a brain, as we each gave each other a personalized item and a book we knew each would enjoy--it was too cute). more relaxation occurred, including going to see "my big fat greek wedding" (really cute, i enjoyed it) and the day of "lotr."

yes, i did finally view "the two towers." this was prefaced by an afternoon enjoying the extended dvd of "fellowship," so i was primed and ready to go once we hit up the movie theater and took in the second installment. and i can say with authority that "the two towers" not only exceeded the first movie, but my exceptionally lofty expectations as well. absolutely bloody brilliant! humor, brisk pace, impressive storytelling and the most astounding CG effects.

gollum is absolutely perfect.

needless to say, i was giddy while watching the film. my eyes were roaming each bit of the movie screen to make sure i didn't miss anything, and as the film came to a close, i was in agony because i knew it would be another year before i would get to see the next--ack! final!--installment.

and yes, orlando was smashing. naturally.

anyway, saturday was spent in boston helping out jess with a video project for her geology class back at college. i actually got a real kick out of the project (hey, i'm a journalism girl in withdrawal), but it was just too cold for me to really be able to get into it 150%. but i gave it as much as i could and had fun--just shivered a lot.

and then, saturday night, we saw averi at the sad cafe in new hampshire.

i'll be brief about the sad cafe, primarily because i don't feel it deserves more than a few sentences. it's sad. dismal. not a fan. i'm all about the idea of a "family friendly music theater," but you can't have a band like averi performing there. call me an alcoholic, but for a rock band, the best times are had when musicians and audience members alike can have at least a drink or two in them. people loosen up, they laugh, they interact, they dance. at the sad cafe, everyone sat. that's it. not to mention that the audio equipment left much to be desired. chad's mic was way off on its levels, and even i (who hasn't had the opportunity to play with sound equipment in over a year--i miss louns!) knew that they were too busy trying to mess with the input instead of tweaking the trim. that was all it needed!

that said, averi was great. it was neat to be able to see and hear them perform for the first time in a few months, and they put on a fun show. mike shocked me--he looked completely different than the last time i'd seen the band. i had to ask michelle who the new guy was. ?!?!? "she waits" is quickly becoming a favorite song of mine.

after the show, the band signed photos, cds and whatnot, which i found adorable. so i stood in line and got a photo signed--chad gave me a big hug, which was sweet, but i don't think anyone else remembered who i was, at least not initially. mike picked up on it right towards the end.

ok, that's it for part one of "where has victoria been?" part two to follow. stick around...

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