
See? It's not entirely my fault. I'll only take as much of the blame as I deserve.

Here's the deal: I know that I may not be the most, say, realistic person some - fine, much - of the time when it comes to relationships. I know my expectations are exceedingly high, and I know I maintain illusions of grandeur that, well, let's face it, haven't exactly left me with a string of successful relationships.

(I know, I know. How can a string of relationships ever be considered successful, anyway? Neither the time nor place for such a philosophical debate. Let's file that away for some other time, shall we?)

But I ask you one thing: how can any woman be realistic, and I mean truly realistic, when one weekend includes the absolute aesthetic beauty of Ben Taylor, the musical decadence that is Ryan Montbleau and his band of musical merrymakers and, if those weren't enough, the speech delivered at the end of "Grey's Anatomy" by the single most endearing, adorable, lovable character on television?

Yes, of course I'm talking about George.

Can anyone honestly try to tell me that I'm not supposed to take all this in and hope for a little bit of something spectacular for myself?

I didn't think so.

A more comprehensive weekend roundup to follow, including an explanation as to why anyone hoping to succeed in the music business should begin to learn, adhere to and follow the work of the Montbleau band.

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